Build—and maintain—a stronger relationship with time.

What you can expect from this ebook:

Discusses how a lack of mindfulness and time management skills can lead to indecision, angst, stress, pressure, and guilt, as well as other negative feelings and reactions

Reminds readers that changing their core beliefs about time is not only possible but also worthwhile

Invites readers to contemplate their relationship with time to more fully understand their philosophy and create a healthier one that serves them better.
Published by Leadership Growth Formula, How to Make Friends With Time focuses on mindfulness and time management practices that you can implement quickly and easily into your daily life. With the tools in this brief yet impactful productivity eBook, you can achieve a healthier, more productive relationship with time.
Too often, people struggle with time management and feel like they are constantly racing against the clock. A typical view of time involves considering it a commodity—fleeting and consistently in short supply. This perspective lends itself to procrastination and disorganization, not to mention frustration and feelings of time anxiety.
The eBook introduces readers to actionable approaches to control time and prioritize the things in life that bring them happiness. It includes worksheets to help readers transform their core beliefs about time, shifting from the mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. Rather than suggesting there’s not enough, we want to show you that time management for busy professionals doesn’t have to be an exercise in futility.